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Boston Inner Harbor: Photo Credit, USGS

Database Listings - Teacher Organizations - Curriculum Resources - Featured Teachers Featured Lesson Plans- Maps & Images - Website Links - UMass Boston Offerings

Featured Theme 

Boston Harbor is rich in natural resources and has a long political, economic, maritime, and cultural history. Now more than ever students can learn about the Harbor and its Islands because of recent environmental improvements and state and federal initiatives, especially the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area, signed into law in 1996. The National Park Service, in a unique arrangement, shares management of the Area through the Boston Harbor Islands Partnership, a coalition of 13 federal, state, city, private and non-profit organizations. The waters of Boston Harbor remain a state park, and the Islands remain in state, city and private ownership. This highlight feature will provide teaching resources and website links to help you and your students experience Boston Harbor and the Islands. Several organizations, resources and teachers are singled out as recommended examples.

Database Listings

The MSP databases have been searched for educational opportunities for field trips, study and research related to k-12 subjects and Boston Harbor. Check out Organizations (description of offerings and contact information) and Resources (curricula, videos, and reference materials, etc.). See also the Website Links section below for additional information.

Featured Teacher Organizations  
Massachusetts Marine Educators

This organization meets the needs of many teachers through workshops and marine science curriculum materials, and it sponsors a conference for high school students.  


New England Aquarium Teacher Resource Center

This excellent center and library offers many services to teachers, including curriculum and reference materials, kits, videos and consultation.

Featured Curriculum Resources  

The Online Learning Center of the Boston Harbor Islands National
Park Area is a growing site full of educational materials and ideas,
including student activities, teacher resources and facts about the
Boston Harbor Islands.

USGS/ New England Aquarium: Boston Harbor Ecosystems is a collaborative website with hands-on information for students, including 3D fly by movies, projections, research data and aerial photographs that allow you to zoom in on specific areas.

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority : The website features School Programs for Teachers and Students, including resources on water supply, sewage disposal, and cleanup of Boston Harbor and information on tours, teacher training, classroom visits, curriculum guides, videos and testing kits.


Featured Teacher, School Program  

We recognize Carleton (Carl) Johnson for his many years of dedicated teaching about marine science and Boston Harbor at South Boston High School and in the community.

The Boston Harbor Curriculum Project is singled out for its ambitious approach to using the resources of the Boston Harbor Islands in schools of Greater Boston.

Featured Lesson Plans  


Photo: Courtesy The Boston Harbor Association

Who Dirtied the Water? ---- Salt Water Wedge

Boston Harbor Maps & Images 

Landsat Sattelite photo credit:USGS

Click on photo for additional links

Website Links 

Governance/Administration, History, Science,
Events/Field Trips/Ferry Information, Commerce/Port

 UMass Boston Offerings 


Click on photo for additional links  

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