Unit for Place in Massachusetts History


You are to compile a unit for the teaching of a place in MA history. You need to plan this unit before undertaking its creation.  For your planning stage you need to:


  1. Pass in concept map
  2. Answer the questions on Teaching with Historic questions.



Then you can proceed. Below are the following requirements:


  1. 8/10 days of lesson plans.  The length of these lesson plans depends on your grade level:  30 minutes for elementary, 40 minutes for middle school and 60minutes for high school.
  2. Follow the enclosed format.  It is important that every lesson plan begins with an enduring understanding ( more than 1 lesson plan can have the same enduring understanding) and each lesson plan has to be generated by an essential question or questions
  3. Each lesson plan should be activity based.  You can combine teacher and student directed activities but you need to show that students can manipulate their historical knowledge by either “uncovering” it or “doing history.” 
  4. Two lesson plans have to integrate technology in some manner.  This means that either you use a website to teach a lesson, have students go to a website to answer questions, use a film/video to highlight an enduring understanding or help answer an essential question or have students present information in a technological format.
  5. One lesson plan has to address a piece of literature or historical fiction to gain insights to your place.  Excerpts of your piece of literature or historical fiction need to be included.
  6. Two lesson plans need to have students use a primary source. It is important to include a copy of this primary source.
  7. The culminating activity is the same performance assessment for all students.  You will find included a template for performance assessment.  This assessment needs to be accompanied by a rubric.  For rubrics go to www.teach-nology.com
  8. You need to present this unit in a Power Point presentation. Therefore, put it on a floppy or on a CD-Rom and be prepared to project it on April 16th.


Remember to…

  1. Number all lesson plans by day
  2. 1 lesson can meet 2 requirements: for instance you can use a website on Oliver Twist to teach about the Industrial Revolution…
  3. Do not wait until the last minute…


Lesson plan format: Day 1








Goal: (enduring understanding) – identifying the overall understanding(s) desired



Essential question(s):



Development and selection of Activities and Resources: (here include instructional strategies)

¨      Activities are carefully designed to scaffold understanding and address essential questions

¨      Appeal to diverse learners

¨      Allow time for student engagement



¨      Bullets on the academic content of the lesson


Curriculum standard: refer to frameworks


Assignment: (if needed)




How will the understanding of the essential question be assessed?

¨      Bullet how you will formally and informally assess students’ understanding as you proceed through your lesson