Grade: 3


Unit: Wampanoag Tribe


Goal: (*Enduring Understanding)

Students will discover that the Wampanoag Tribe adapted to the New England environment.*

Students will locate the Wampanoag Tribe on a map and compare its location to that of the Apache Tribe.

Students will discuss geographical differences that attribute to differences in tribal cultures and technology between the two tribes.


Essential Question:

How did the cultural and technological aspects of the Wampanoag Tribe differ from the Apache Tribe?



Blank map of Massachusetts

Tribal map of United States

Large map of Massachusetts

Literature on Wampanoag and Apache Tribes (see resource list)


Development and Selection of Activities:

¨      Students will locate the Wampanoag Tribe on the tribal map and highlight it.

¨      Students will look at a large map of Massachusetts (hung on the wall).

¨      Students will locate their home city and write it into their blank map of MA.

¨      The teacher will ask students what town the Wampanoags were from.

¨      Students will locate Plymoth and write it into their blank map of MA.

¨      Students will write Wampanoags near Plymoth on their blank map.

¨      Students will discuss geographical aspects of the area that may have influenced the Wampanoags’ culture

¨      Students will locate the Apache Tribe on the tribal map and highlight it.

¨      Students will compare the difference in geographical location between the Wampanoag and the Apache Tribes.

¨      Students will work in small groups to discuss and list possible differences in tribal cultures and technology due to geographical location.

¨      Students will read selections on the Wampanoag and Apache Tribes supplied by the teacher.

¨      Students will compare their findings to their list of possibilities.



¨      The Wampanoags lived on the coast of Massachusetts, part of the Eastern Woodland region.

¨      The Apache lived in New Mexico, part of the Southwest region.

¨      The Wampanoags lived on the coast in wetus during the spring and summer seasons.  During the winter, they moved inland for hunting purposes and lived in longhouses.

¨      The Apaches lived in tents made of tanned and greased hides.  They were nomadic, moving with the buffalo herds.

¨      Both tribes made clothes from animal skin/fur.  The Wampanoags used skins from deer, bear, raccoon, skunk, etc.  The Apaches used Buffalo skins.

¨      Wampanoags hunted, farmed, gathered, and fished for their food source.

¨      Apaches hunted buffalo for their food source.


Curriculum Standard:

HSS: Cities and Towns of Massachusetts: LS 3.8

            “On a map of Massachusetts locate the class’ hometown or city and geographical

            features and landmarks.”



1.      Write a paragraph stating how the Wampanoag culture and technology was adapted to the New England environment.


How will the understanding of the essential question be assessed?

¨      Students will receive a “check plus” for locating both tribes on the tribal map, a “check” for locating one of the two tribes, or a “check minus” for not locating either tribe.

¨      Students will receive a “check plus” for locating both cities and the tribe on the blank map, a “check” for locating two out of the three, and a “check minus” for locating only one area on the map.

¨      Students will be informally evaluated on their participation in small group discussions and the relevance of discussion topic to the essential question.

¨      Each group will be assessed on their list of differences between the tribes.

¨      Students will be formally evaluated on their paragraph assignment.  The evaluation will pay careful attention to culture/technology as related to the geographical location of the Wampanoags.