Lesson Plan Format: Day 6


Grade: ___3___

Unit: The American Revolution in Massachusetts

Goal: Events and people in Massachusetts’s history played a major part in the development of Massachusetts.

Essential Questions:

 What people and events in Massachusetts’s history played a part in the onset of the Revolutionary War?

Development and Selection of Activities and Resources:

Ø      Review facts of Patriots and Loyalists

Ø      Tea tax: why?

Ø      Diary: December 16, 1773; Boston Tea Party

Ø      Listen to story The Boston Tea Party

Ø      Trackstar: http://4teachers.org will help with other information. Click onto Trackstar, and enter track # 103206. Answer questions not answered in diary


Ø      Diary page: Boston Tea Party

Ø      Read story The Boston Tea Party; have students answer questions in diary

Ø      Review key points; use Trackstar


Curriculum Standards:

New England and Massachusetts: 3.5



Ø      If not done, have students finish diary and use Trackstar at home.

How will the understanding of the essential question be assessed?

Ø      A booklet on the major events of Massachusetts (ongoing)